Gobble Turkey - DIY Craft Kit
A quick 2 minute walk thru to show you just how easy it is to create your own Gobble Turkey:
See the complete written instructions below :) A full length video tutorial (step by step) can be found on our YouTube channel here:
(This post may contain affiliate links)
Instructions are the same for both the 12" and the 19.75" Gobble Turkey.
The Kit/Supplies
Your kit contains everything you may need to paint/create your Gobble Turkey. Other supplies you may find helpful:
-A pencil
-A paper plate
-A blow dryer with a COOL setting
1. Remove all supplies.
You should have:
-Galvanized Steel Shape
-8 colors of It's Paint:
It's Brown
It's Black
It's Green
It's Sunflower (Yellow)
It's Red
It's Orange
It's Creamy White
It's Old Red
-2 Chip (Bristle) brushes
-1 Flat detail brush
- 4 2oz paper cups
-1 galvanized steel hanger wire
Your galvanized steel shape is sprayed with texture to achieve a rustic look and to help your project "grab paint" vs. having to paint multiple coats in most cases.
2. Paint in each "feather" whatever color(s) you choose using the chip (bristle) brush) and also paint in the head of the turkey. Be sure to bring your paint color into what will be the body of the turkey as well as bring the brown paint on the head of the turkey up into what will be the hat.
3. Once dry, paint on the body of the turkey. You can use a blow dryer to "force dry" your paint. Use your blow dryer only on COOL as we do not want the metal to get hot. You can use a paper plate to aid in creating the curves for the body.

4. Paint on the hat.
5. If you are planning to add details (our example shows polka dots) to your turkey feathers, you can begin working on those while your hat and turkey body dry.
6. To create "tone on tone" (a lighter color) details including polka dots use your provided 2oz paper cups and pour your original paint color and some of the provided creamy white paint into the cup together; approximately 1/2 of each. Mix. You can use many things around your house to trace around to create polka dots Provided paint cups, a small plastic drinking cup, anything round. This is also a great time to have some foam spouncers in varying sizes on hand in your crafting supplies. Once your have your polka dots traced on, paint them in using the provided detail brush using the lighter color you mixed. Your feather details may require 2-3 coats as you are painting a lighter color over dark. Be sure each coat is dry prior to adding the next coat.

7. When your black paint on the hat is dry, use your detail brush to paint on the creamy white stripe.
8. Once your paint on the turkey head is dry, using the detail brush paint on your beak by simply making an upside down triangle. If you have acrylic paint pens in your craft supplies, this is a perfect time to use those too. Your beak may require 2-3 coats as you are painting a lighter color over dark. Be sure each coat is dry prior to adding the next coat.
9. Once your hat/hat band is dry; paint on the hat buckle with your detail brush (or acrylic paint pens) by simply making two rectangles; larger one outside and smaller one inside. The buckle may also require 2-3 coats as you are painting a lighter color over dark. Be sure each coat is dry prior to adding the next coat.
10. Once your beak is dry, add on the gobbler using the small detail brush or acrylic paint pens.
11. Add the eyes with either acrylic paint pens if you have them or by using the the eraser end of a pencil. Simply dip the eraser end into your black paint and make a small circling motion until your eyes are the size you would like them.

12. The final painting step is to add your highlighting details. Using first the creamy white & your detail brush; make light "swishes" around the outer edges. Follow with the black. You can also add highlights to the eyes, beak and gobbler too.

Attach your hanger wire by inserting the ends of the wire thru each hole, cross wire over and swirl as shown below.

That's it! You are now ready to hang up your amazing Gobble Turkey!
We would LOVE to see your pictures of your completed project and would be thrilled if you would also leave us a review on the craft kit.
For any questions/concerns please email: customerservice@itsscrapicated.com
Gobble til ya Wobble y'all.